SPW – Expertise in renewable energies and cogeneration


  • Customer: SPW Energy
  • Design office
    • Deplasse & Associates (coordinator)
    • Janson
    • 3E
    • Bark
    • MTBE
    • ULg
    • Geolys
    • PEEC
    • PWC


  • Heat network
  • Cogeneration
  • heat pump
  • Solar photovoltaic & thermal
  • Geothermal
  • Wind
  • Biogas & Biofuels
  • Wood energy & other biomass
  • Hydro-electricity & Pumping-storage
  • Batteries & Power to X
  • Compressed air storage
  • ORC & PCM
  • Legal & technical-economic consultancy
  • Assistance with the transposition of European Directives